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Registered Podiatrist Full-time Member
This membership is for a registered Podiatrist engaged in clinical practice or podiatry related activities either in private practice and/or the public sector.
Membership requires annual Professional Indemnity Insurance. Acceptance of membership is contingent upon approval. This membership includes insurance.
$1076.50 (incl. GST)
Annual Membership Fee
Registered Podiatrist Part-time Member
This membership is for a registered Podiatrist engaged in clinical practice, podiatry related activities, podiatry related administration or business management either in private practice and/or the public sector, with a gross income of less than $24,999 per annum.
Membership requires annual Professional Indemnity Insurance. Acceptance of membership is contingent upon approval. This membership includes insurance - valid only if within stated income range.
$682.00 (incl. GST)
Annual Membership fee
Registered Podiatrist Graduate Member
This membership is for a registered Podiatrist recently graduated from AUT in their first year of work, engaged in clinical practice or podiatry related activities either in private practice and/or the public sector. Membership requires annual Professional Indemnity Insurance. Acceptance of membership is contingent upon approval. This membership includes insurance.
You must be registered and have a current APC to be eligible.
$504.50 (incl. GST)
Annual Membership Fee
Registered Podiatrist Second Year Graduate
This membership is for a registered Podiatrist recently graduated from AUT in their second year of work, engaged in clinical practice or podiatry related activities either in private practice and/or the public sector. Membership requires annual Professional Indemnity Insurance. Acceptance of membership is contingent upon approval. This membership includes insurance.
You must be registered and have a current APC to be eligible.
$696.00 (incl. GST)v
Annual Membership Fee
*The annual insurance premium cost includes a handling fee.
Other Membership Types
Registered Podiatrist Non-Practicing Member
This membership is available to Podiatrists who are registered and hold a current APC but are not currently working as a Podiatrist in New Zealand. This membership does not include insurance.
Subject to approval by the PodiatryNZ Board. For further information please email us.
Academic Members
This membership is available to registered Podiatrists who are registered and hold a current APC but are not currently practising as a Podiatrist in New Zealand.
This membership does not include insurance.
Subject to approval by the PodiatryNZ Board. For further information please email us.
Student Member
Student membership is available while you are studying Podiatry full time at an undergraduate level.
Registered podiatrists who are undertaking postgraduate study full time and are not practicing as a podiatrist, may also apply for student membership.
This membership does not include insurance.
Annual Membership Fee
Administrative Member
This membership is for business owners and practice managers of clinics. This membership does not include insurance or voting rights.
$253.00 (incl. GST)
Annual Membership Fee
New Members: Payment indicates your acceptance of the Terms and Conditions for Membership of PodiatryNZ
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